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problem med folders...

Hobby & Fritid - Datorer & Teknik


2004-07-05 23:57

problem med folders...

Sorry guys I have to ask this in english, some terms here I don't know how to say in svenska...

I think I did something dumb last night... I was clicking around in the "folder options" of my computer... Now when I double click all of my folders, instead of opening the folder, the search page pops up... You know the one with the dog... your "search buddy"(I've got windows XP)... This is annoying...
I can open my folders by right clicking on them and then choosing "open"... But doing that is just weird

Oh and when I right click on a folder and get the list of things to do, "search... " is bolded and on top of the list... I think that should be "open "... I just dont know how to switch it back...

Is this fixable??

thanks :):)