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Xpand your Elements Hiphop festival Gävle 18/9

Vår Hiphop - Breaking


2010-08-25 11:40

Xpand your Elements Hiphop festival Gävle 18/9


Breaking crew battle - price money 5000
Housedance 2on2 battle - price money3000
Judges: Freeze and Martin C Ferretti
Try outs for Pump up the Jam

Breaking and House (Freeze and Malin Emmoth)
Graffiti (Rolfcarlwerner and Magnus Lysén)
DJ:ing (Jam 1)
Showcases by the Jackies and Soul sweat

MC battle

Julio Chichelnitzky
Jam 1
Magnus Lysén

Host: ADL

Concert: CHORDS

Anmälan till ALLA battles sker på [email protected]