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2005-12-20 00:09

16 bar beef

du är en player borde jobba på bordell
du är lika trashad som ett slayer hotell
din mamma är lika stor som säffle rondell
you've heard dont hate the player hate the game?
you are the player i am the game this shit is still the same
look how you dress you should be ashamed
i am the only dawg that never is tame
you're like a terror with sniper lame as hell
you wanna battle? there's something i forgot to tell
i am invincible flipped a coin into a magic well
wait a minute was that a bell i heard?
o probably yo momma who want to give me a word
she said she felt free like a bird
when i rolled over here on and on in the third
hour of the flight she wanted to kiss you godnight
before i slay you with my mic

seriöst oseriöst håll er till lunarstorm