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2008-09-17 14:39


I see greenlights and whitestripes,
I see mean fights and nightlives rolling around.
No signs of insperation, its laidback, no dedidication,
all faid black, ya'll see that, too late, you cant change that!
I dont spit facts, I spit true stories, newsworthy, hells yes, Im youthdirty.
Come on, bring it, your girl mailed me her thong, you suddenly stopped digging this song?
Im so strong, Im so big, Im the motherfucker they couldn't fit in the globengig.
Lets change the topic, lets make it raw, lets make it bloddy, lets do it like in the saw.
Turn around and punch you in the face, wish it was Gorgie cuz then I would stop fucking his race, sittin at his base, shippin awaya missiles, dont you feel embarased, dont you feel ashamed, dont you regret the lies, dont you regret your life?
I sure would, and you sure fucking should.
Dont know how you could, piss on peoples lives, piss on their respect, children and their wifes. But its new generations, new thoughts and new pride,
so lets hope we know better then chose fucks like you as out guide.


bara prat