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[Multi] Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2010-09-19 11:13

[Multi] Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon

Läste just det här på IGN:

The Earth Defense Force 2017, released on Xbox 360 back in March of 2007, was the videogame equivalent to a so-bad-it's-good horror movie. The visuals were bland, levels were uninspired, and the framerate was all over the place. And yet, we had an absolute blast fending off hordes of alien invaders with a friend. Despite its low-budget production values and bargain bin aesthetic, Earth Defense Force was a lot of fun. Today D3 Publisher announced a sequel called Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, and this time it's coming to both the 360 and PlayStation 3.

Jag är överpeppad! EDF: 2017 är ett av de roligaaste spelen jag spelat den här generationen. Så jävla nice med ett spel som är så jävla cheesy och opretentiöst och ändå mer underhållande än alla storspelen.

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