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[Serie] Dark Mirror

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2012-01-14 13:36

[Serie] Dark Mirror

Nån mer som sett dom 3 otroligt bra avsnitten?

Tyckte en review på imdb summerade den fint.

Charlie Brooker is a great satirist: funny and clever, and, although often crude, in 'Black Mirror' he certainly isn't pandering to the lowest common denominator (in spite of the fact that the first film is about the prime minister having sex with a pig!). Indeed, he (and his collaborators) show themselves to be skilled film-makers: in this trio of short stories about how technology is changing our lives, two have a sci-fi feels and the understated way with which a future world, subtly different to our own, is conveyed, with a minimum of carefully deployed special effects, is a lesson to Hollywood with its obsession with spectacle and its inability to understand that less can be more. Yet while Brooker's films are delicately made, there's a certain obviousness to the points he is making; while he's extraordinarily skillful in imagining the details, there's less below the surface than you might hope for. I found the middle film the most convincing (and indeed moving), and exactly because it was most explicitly a fable; in the others, Brooker's merciless eye is also not a little heartless. But Brooker deserves credit for not standing still, and settling for making new series of 'Screenburn' ad infinitum; 'Black Mirror' may only be a partial success, but it's bold and fresh and worth watching, even if it's not so much deeper than the world it's taking apart.
