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2005-08-18 23:00

Kontra Vs J-King


This is my first in English, you wanna battle? Ok, fine/
You don’t need to drop you shit, becuse this fight is mine/
They compare me with that dude in Scream/
But I think that I’m a better back stabber then him/
My shit is not good, but it is much better then yours/
You’re better then me, but still I ride you like a horse/
Your are slow, you're answer will take a long time, then/
Please, wake me up when September ends/


please brotha i,am sharp like a aligator //
i saw u piss in your string when u saw the terminator //
that the battle is your is clear as the water i thin //
I know u have hard times living in the bin //
this fight is like cat Vs a mice //
u worst then when elvis fuckt vanila ice //
I can allmost think your the biggest gay //
i saw u whit that donkey in tha KKK //

först till sju/ 7

Fo' shizzle~(\/)
(> <)