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2007-06-30 23:22

soewt vs. Gaze

Ey i do this fo free, and i se that dick is what you need//
Ey i recommend that u first suck on a banana, and then u drop it in you ass and play Tony Montana//
you are so fake, so i need to take a break//
man i have seen you with older mans i mean get a life for fuck safe//
so a stop my dick in your mouth and eat your brain do you think this is insane, look at this i glock up ya brain//
and shot you in the line and that exactly the same//
and you exist in the world so let it rain.


lol watch diz shit kids, cause gaze is a pro//
but he is so fuckin retarded, got a worse life than moe//
drikning low-price bears and wanking with a friend//
sorry to tell u fuckface, but this is the end//
ey listen up girls what gaze did today, he actuallt tried to get my little sister laid//
there is a thing  between her and ur mother, my sister can't be paid so she doesnt bother//
my littl' sis only deservse the best, so go home to mumma and wank with the rest!