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One More Change

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-12-21 10:06

One More Change

länge sen jag droppade på engelska...

skrev den här..får se vad ni tycker om den o vad den betyder för er.....

Ain’t it crazy how the world haven’t always been like its now/
People running their mouth without know any shit about/ /
Like I thought I had it all figured out, back in the days/
But now I’m sitting here and think of all that time I’ve waste/
It creates enemies instead of friends, just a bunch of nonsens/
I wrote these lines because of my guilty conscience/
Cuz been there done that but at least I embrace and lay it/
But you’re not even man enough to look me in my face and say it/
It’s not worth it, try to imagine what it could escalate to/
But it’s not a inch close to what it actually developed into/
Is there really any reasonable enormity for all this beef/
People just talk and brag about tricks up their sleeve(s)/
But then when it comes to it, they don’t got a shit/
Just lies, so then they look at the sky and beg god to remit/
I've done a lot of mistakes, what can I do now, under this circumstance/
This is my confession, can you give me one more change/

tyck till, skriv vad du vill men kom helst med konstruktiv kritik...

Jag tog stolen och kastade den på henne när hon sprang när för trappan (yeeeees) och träffade henne och hon började gråta som en hora/snopp_dogg p19 om bråket med sin lillesyrra