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Spex - Including yadda yadda...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-09-14 14:23

Spex - Including yadda yadda...

Fuck groupies, who needs a twelve-year-old fanbase
Sticking to your half-assed texts like syrup to pancakes
Fegon, get it, I'm tired of you Kalix-fuck fake hunks
'Cause I saw your face in a crowded place...
and you're uglier than James Blunts!
Making you face it like cumshots, I'm only hostile
When I stick my dick down your throat and leave you cockeyed
So, get at me while you can, 'cause when I spread my lyrics
My brewed styles will start to sell more records than Guinness
You're like OT, seven years of mishap whenever facing mirrors
Get it? Kalix crew is sucking more acorns than squirrels!
Switching person...
You wrote a text, then posted eleven ups to people preaching
What's up? Can't tolerate that no one wants to read you shit?
Unique-styled shitface, go join the dickrace
Leave the room and biscuit with your hands full of blisters
And face filled with liquid, bitches, face my skills
And crawl back to your huts like cocks placed in kilts
To the rest of you Whoa-fucks, who I ain’t brawling with
Just keep my name out of you're mouth and we can keep it the same bitch

took me ten minutes to write, if you include the time I had to take a shit, eat, flap skin and make dinner...

blow me

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello