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2006-07-31 02:41

Love Hurts

Den är lång, jag vet. Men läs gärna, och lämna en kommentar.

The first time, that I saw her
I could not, move my feet
The first time, that I saw her
My heart, skipped a beat
The first time, that I saw her
I did not, wanna leave
The first time, that I saw her
I forgot, to breathe...

I wish I could look her in her eyes and say what I felt now
But everytime I face her I have emotional meltdowns
Cause she's not mine, I can't touch her, just love her
She's more than divine, but I can't fuck her, just hug her
She's so perfect, beautiful and sharp like a knife's surface
So I can't help but feeling that she's my life's purpose
Every part of her is a golden side I wish that she would
hold my child, It would be diamond with gold inside
It never occured to her, that everyday she neglects me
I die, and I'll stay dead till the day she selects me
I'm convinced that I'm her Romeo and she's my Juliett
The only problem is, she just doesn't know it yet

I wanna take it all of, the neckles and her clothes
Sit there and stare at the freckles on her nose
See, her round and firm hips are to die for
And her smooth and soft lips are to cry for
How in the world can anyone be so tempting?
And how can a girl make me feel so empty?
She's sparkly and colorful like a flameshow
She's a synonym for my own private rainbow
From a distance there's no resistance, but she'll vanish
As I try to get closer, and that's when I panic
See but not touch is like dinner with no dessert
I'll make a woman happy someday, and I hope it's her
Not even the woman of my fantasies comes close to her
I don't understand love, is it suppose to hurt?

I'm sorry, I know I'm not suppose to love her
But she has to understand, I never chose to love her
I just can't help it, I want her to be mine
And mine only, I'm sorry if that makes me sellfish
Can you imagine a girl who's too cute for magazines
The woman of my dreams and it's not even a fantasy
For her I could go through all kinds of troubble and die
Cause she triggers my feelings bubble inside
She's gorgeous and so beautiful but I'm ugly
So unfortunately it's not suitable if she loves me
I'm looking at the perfection that I can't have
Because of natural selection, and I guess that that's that
I wish I could say that I don't give a rat's ass
I'd give a million of them to find out where the path's at
The path to her soul, heart and mind
The path that is just so hard to find

Fortsättning följer...

Always look on the bright side of life