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Daniel Blade - Pen & Paper [16 Eng Bars]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-05-22 10:55

Daniel Blade - Pen & Paper [16 Eng Bars]

I seize the opportunity, to write when I can/
The effect is so soothingly, bringin' me back by demand/
They're strongest in unity, the pen & paper in my hand/
It begins with a feelin', feelings transform into thoughts/
Then you put it on a paper, and all doors are unlocked/
No limits, no boundaries, no war against the clock/
You're unleashing a storm, and the storm begins to shock/
Inspiration outta nowhere, still your calling hits the spot/
All work and no play all day takes away/
any lust to bust rhymes or even talk about your rage/
over bein' stuck in the same ways that you've been/
ever since the first time you even heard about pay/
As for me, my focus will remain the same/
Milkin' my brain for rhymes that put you to shame/
The master of the game that we all like to play/
I'm Daniel Blade, bitch, remember the name...

Skrev den igår kväll. Beatet ifrån Eminem's "Say Goodbye Hollywood" spelade tyst i bakhuvudet utan att jag tänkte på det, jag hann ungefär till mitten innan jag kom på det. Hur som helst, första texten jag faktiskt blev nöjd med, fast inte helt. Skrev den med mycket fokus på flow, även fast det inte ser ut som det, haha. Aja, droppa gärna kommentarer om ni tycker texten är värd, peace!

A historian is a prophet in reverse