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Sellish - Fucking moving (my first english song)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-11-28 13:10

Sellish - Fucking moving (my first english song)

Här är den första engelska låten jag har gjort, förlåt för att det inte är så bra engelska men läs och känn min ångest!

My life goes the wrong way I don't know what to do//
My grades get worse I don't want to go to school//
Unfortunately I need to go and try to behave myself//
I just want to go away and fly some where else//
I have never been a perfect and good student//
But now when I have moved and got other influence //
Its not easy to change your personality after 12 years//
I got older and hear the crime problems in my ear//
I moved out from the suburbs and crimes become wrong//
And I started to wright out my anxiety in a song//
I go back to my old suburb village some time//
Every thing got fucking wrong in my life//
And when I am there my crime soul gets bigger of course//
But when I go back I see a fucking gigantic horse//
I am fucking happy that my other family lives in a suburb//
When I go there its feels like an other world//
My personality should be better now but what a fuck//
I just feel more bad and I never have any luck//
I feel like a fucking emo because I want to die//
My big brother have stop so I don't go and get high//
I really don't know what to do in my bad life//
I running from the truth and all of my crimes//
My music is my only hope for my really bad future//
Peoples life get fucked up when you change culture //
I wright this shit so people in my situation don't make suicide//
You guys and girls live for your family and friends if you have a bad life//
my words is ending now but I want to wright some more//
If you want to kill me I just say "of course"//
Everbody please stop trying fuck up my life//
It can't be worse I get happy if a die//
This is the ending of this shitty song//
And you know guys crimes aint wrong//

"Being an Independent artist is like being an ugly dude with a huge dick... If I could just get these bitches to look, they'd be hooked!" - Dirtbag