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Emotional Chaoz

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2012-01-20 10:09

Emotional Chaoz

It aint easy flippin´this deck of cards in life,

aint easy looking on the bright side of life...

Its fucking with my mental, ruining my agenda,

im hollow so dont follow, life is just like something you borrow-

i swallow my pride, turned to the darkside, my head iz spinning,

demons of the past but i wont everlast through this task as a

man standing holding firm ground, feel like im breaking down,

contemplation of suicide has steady been acting a chaotic component-

im hell sent, heading same ass direction as hell went, hiphoptournament,

represent fundamentz hard to catch, unmeasurable so, flexible flow,

testament of the rejected, unexpected, diabolically elected, as i set it-

i wreck shit, as a final solution, soul used when i hammer freestyles

on these computerkeys, intruders freeze in the range of my cooler steeze,

i strive to save my sanity, dramatically pressured by friends commiting suicide,

overdose boulevard, scarred but hardknocks in a perimiter blast soulfully-

so relief is fuckin´wit´these keys, thru my emotional chaos.... peace ya.