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Shyamananda das - Dharma

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-03-22 10:21

Shyamananda das - Dharma

Verse 1
It's a time of deceit, lies, quarrel and hipocrisy
We're suffering due to committing atrocities
A time of egotism and self deception
Sad faces in the streets confusion and aggression
And to get out of this black hole of ignorance
We got to practice dharma with great diligence
Difficult, three of four pillars are broken
Still, we can get to swim in the nectarine ocean
But to do that, we got to give up some things
Detach and cut the knots of material bondings
Stay humble and stick to the logics
Such as vegetarianism and 'I'm not this body'
I'm not this intelligence, I'm not the mind
Not the ahamkara, I'm the spirit soul inside
Truth wants to be spoken, but who wants to speak it?
Who wants to hear it? And who wants to serve it?

You got to have some discipline
-In the totaliatarian war against maya
You will leave this bullshit
-When you get to feel the taste of something higher
We're not the centre
-We're not the proprietor, enjoyer, we're not in control
Finally it comes
-the emancipation of the spiritsoul

verse 2
If you're doing non sense, here's one suggestion
Utilize human life to attain the highest perfection
First lesson, all carnivores better go veg
No meat, no fish and no eggs
And no drugs like alcohol or ganja
Then you won't get the message of Sri Chaitanya
Don't gamble with your life, don't roll the dice
Just surrender unto Gaur Nitai
And if you're in to unrestricted sex life
Watch out pal, you'll become a dog in your next life
If you chant the holy name with great determination
Then that will take you to the highest destination
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
I'm singin' prayers about giving, not taking
Taste the sweet, it's time for a spiritual awakening


