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"Dear Reader,
Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 21 August 2011
I hope that you have enjoyed a most Joyful, Healthy and Abundant week.
It is certainly good to see calm on the streets once again, let us hope that it lasts. As the calms descends however, we should always be mindful of the fact that the underlying causes are not only still present and relevant, but increasingly so, and that unless a fundamental change occurs then the slide of humanity will continue.
The attitude of the UK government serves to highlight an increasing dichotomy to almost schizophrenic degrees. With an almost total failure to recognise the underlying cause of the rioting, looting and other unrest, the "system" is seeking to brutally punish "young offenders" as "criminals", when the true criminals are the international banking cartels and successive governments who, through their own relentless, obsessive and uncompassionate quest for power have created the current and increasing uneven distribution of wealth, to the point now where those very few at the top of the pyramid have trillions, and the increasing majority at the base of the pyramid have no wealth, no prospects and no hope.
What message does it send to young people who see government fiddling millions in expenses, bankers paying themselves millions for losing millions, and nations killing and torturing millions of people with impunity in foreign countries in order to grab commodities, land and military position? Who are the real criminals?
Now as I have mentioned this last couple of weeks, this Newsletter, which has been published almost every week since 2005, is to focus on our Divinity and Spirituality through an awakening of Mind and Consciousness. As Whole Beings however, Humans are an inseparable Completeness of Mind, Spirit and Body, which includes physical Experience, neither component of which can be overlooked. As Human Beings we are Blessed with the Freewill to make Choices, but only if we are aware of the existence and Nature of those choices - which many, if not most, are not. That said, Mind and Consciousness is All Powerful, not words, guns, money or any other socio-economic factor, so we must find that balance here as well. So this week I will return to the power of Awareness, Mind and Consciousness in these challenges.
If someone has sent you this Newsletter, you may join, at no cost at our website:
For those wishing for a higher understanding of the mysteries of Life, my book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind can be of Service:
http://www.ourultimatereality.com/our-ultimate-reality- the-book.html
The Consciousness Revolution
I will begin today's Newsletter by repeating my opening words of last week:
During this last week, the world looked on as extremely violent behaviour erupted over several nights, first in London and then spreading to other major UK cities.
I do not need to describe these events, the television and other media providing graphic video, commentary and pictures as these events unfolded.
Now while we can never condone, let alone support such behaviour, which, apart from the extensive damage, injuries and loss of human life as well as property, we cannot and must not realise that the root cause of this situation goes much deeper.
First then we must remind ourselves of these Fundamental Truths.
Every Human Being is a Divinely Loved Expression of Source, of God. Every Human Being is therefore Actually Source, God In Every Way. Every Human Being is therefore Inherently Perfect.
No Human Being is born with a genetic predisposition towards violence or any other perceived "antisocial" behaviour. Every Human Being is born Equal before Source, before God. No Human Being is more or less "favoured".
There is, in reality, no such concepts as "good", "bad", "evil", "right", "wrong and so on - these are all totally Human constructs. There is Only Experience.
The "Total" of All Humanity, at both a Personal and Collective level is Balance.
Without such Balance there would be no Experience and no Evolution.
That said, everything that we are witnessing in this Transitional and Pivotal Era is the same polarisation of Humanity that has been the case at the conclusion of previous cycles of Human Evolution which, for the most part, Humanity was unable to resolve for itself, thus necessitating a purgative event, such as the "Great Flood" - which far predates the Genesis story or the Old Testament - and before that the destruction and sinking beneath the Oceans of Atlantis and the numerous other large and advanced civilisations around the world, many of which are now being discovered.
Humanity has not yet reached this "point of no return" - the Singularity. The Singularity is the final event or series of events of this Cycle of Consciousness, the outcome of which is totally "fluid" and can be "changed" at any point before then.
Since this cycle of Humanity has chosen the "monetary system" as its tool of learning and Experience, it follows therefore that many events leading towards the Singularity will be directly or indirectly connected to "money", and this is clearly what we are seeing now in these current events and what must inevitably follow.
So how does Humanity progress towards Evolving to the next level of Consciousness through Freewill, and therefore making the right choices, both personally and Collectively, before Source, God, The "Universe" "pushes the reset button" as has been the case in previous cycles of Evolutionary opportunity?
Well this time around, as discussed last week, Humanity, Collectively, has, through Freewill and Choice, given huge power to this concept we call "money".
We should make this extremely clear, because soon it will become self-evident:
Money has power only because it is a collective dream shared by Humanity. When Humanity awakes from this dream, money will be seen for what it really is, or more specifically is not, and will be seen as powerless bits of paper.
We must never seek to apportion "blame" for this situation, since all Humanity has implicitly agreed to participate in the illusion of money through Freewill.
Without such implicit acceptance, Humanity would not be where it is today because those very few controlling Humanity today do so through paper currency and debt which either has no intrinsic value or negative intrinsic value in the case of debt.
While such a system exists, and the majority willingly empower this system through participation, there will be those seeking to exploit the system for more power.
Again, we cannot and should not judge these people, because without the acceptance and cooperation of Humanity, they would have gained no such power.
Throughout recent history, going back many centuries, even millennia, the only periods where there was stability and equality of money was when the money was linked to tangible value, always Gold and to a lesser extent to Silver.
The most recent slide, and the beginning of the end for this "monetary system" to the current socio-economic status of the World really began under President Nixon in 1971, when he declared that the US Dollar would no longer be valued according to its equivalent in Gold, but instead would be based on "fiat", or "trust" only in the USA as a country, a model then repeated around the World controlled by "central banks".
This decoupling of the paper Dollar from tangible Gold allowed unlimited quantities of both money and debt to be literally created out of thin air, with no value basis.
The reason Gold continues to reach new all time high prices against the US Dollar is not so much due to a rise in the value of Gold itself - that is still to come - but due to a devaluation of the Dollar thereby inflating the price of Gold, Oil and foods etc.
This devaluation became exponential and totally out of control in 2008, after trillions of Dollars were printed by the Federal Reserve to "bail out" the banks after losses incurred gambling "toxic" securitised mortgages and "collateralised debt obligations".
This situation also applies to the Euro and the British Pound for similar reasons.
Much more could be said about this, but I have discussed many of the factors already in previous Newsletters and may do so, as appropriate in future Newsletters.
Suffice it to say - the current global "monetary system" has now terminally failed, is out of control, and paper money is returning to its base value as it did recently in for example Zimbabwe, and before that the Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1920's, where trillions of units of currency was required to purchase even a loaf of bread. This is "hyperinflation" and is where the US Dollar, Pound and Euro are heading.
So what then does this have to do with the subject of this week's Newsletter?
Well, this time around the whole World is involved, and, as mentioned previously, is coincident with the end of the current "Age of Consciousness" and the beginning of the next Age of Consciousness, which this time will be enacted, directly or indirectly through "money". If humanity cannot resolve this, the Universe will do it for us through "natural causes" as has been the case at the turn of previous cycles.
It is not "money", in and of itself - after all "money" is just paper and an imaginary but agreed form of value - it is how Humanity resolves the coming "monetary crisis".
How then can "money", seemingly benign paper, present such a challenge?
Well there are countless peripheral reasons, but the main reasons revolve around the dependency of "modern society" on the concept and perceived value of money.
Money is "economic slavery" and those controlling money are the "slave masters".
Now as things stand today, neither the slaves or masters wish to change. The slaves, the majority of "modern society", desperately wishes to cling to its material existence in all of its manifestations, and the "masters" wish to retain their control.
The way things are rapidly heading, neither of these will be possible in the very near future, as the means to purchase material possessions and the means to control Human Beings through money are rapidly, and inevitably coming to an end, just as in the Weimar Republic of Germany in the early twentieth century, and repeated many time since around the world, when a wheelbarrow stacked high with paper "money" was required to purchase a few very basic provisions from the local general store.
The US Dollar, Euro and British Pound are very fast heading in the same direction.
Billions of people will not wish to see "everything they have worked hard and saved for all their lives" effectively become worthless, while the international banking cartel who perpetuated this plot in the pursuit of wealth, power and control will not want to relinquish their wealth and power, and will therefore do anything to preserve it.
Of course, those in control have the upper hand because they also control the military and police as well as governments and industry, and would use all these against "the people" as they are increasingly doing now around the world.
So what then is the way forward?
Well clearly the international banking cartel and the governments and international corporate cabals they control are not going to simply give their material control of everything as well as the means of enforcement through government, military and police, which they are using increasingly more against the population at large.
Clearly Humanity needs much more influence and control over world affairs and the affairs of people, but this can only happen if the current "regime" agree, and will subsequently be willing to facilitate such a change which they clearly will not. They are addicted to money, wealth and power and will definitely not relinquish it willingly.
So Dear Reader the only answer is simple: Revolution. Now by "revolution" I am not referring to "revolution" in the traditional sense, which is
usually settled through armies, guns and warfare, but a different sort of revolution:
A Revolution of Consciousness.
What do I mean by that?
Well - although on a visible and materially experiential level "control" seems to be enforced through those forcibly exerting control, through governments, military, police and other means, such control would not be possible unless the consensus of Humanity - the Collective Human Consciousness - had not willingly and knowingly accepted and facilitated such forms of control.
It is only the majority of Human "Belief", "Faith" in and therefore Acceptance of the current system through Collective Human Consciousness that perpetuates it.
As long as the Collective Human Consciousness provides power to this system through acceptance and participation, it cannot will not change. Humanity is Experiencing, Perfectly, All that Humanity Expects and Believes, with Faith, is True.
It serves no useful purpose to simply accept this as "the way things are", or to complain to others about "your lot" or how "hard things are becoming", because such complaints are still within the context of the inevitability of the current system, which words alone cannot change.
So then, what is required for True Change to take place? The answer to this question is very simple Dear Reader: Humanity Must Wake Up, Acquire Realisation, and Desire and Will Change. Change simply cannot and will not take place any in other way.
All True Change Experienced at a Physical Level Must First take place Through Mind and Consciousness at a non-physical level, Personally and Collectively. Without Mind and Consciousness there is no change - there is Nothing.
"As Above, So Below".
Plain and simple - All can Change in a Moment, but Only Through Mind and Consciousness, Which Is All That Is, and The Only True Source of Power.
Now one of the big challenges for many is that "modern society" has defined what is considered to be "normal" behaviour or "abnormal" behaviour.
"Modern Society" expects people to conform to the "norms" imposed, religions etc, and most feel compelled to live up the expectations of "norms" imposed by family, friends and society generally, including the pressure to "keep up of appearances".
It is these factors however that allows Humanity to be willingly controlled through money and debt. Those who deviate from such "norms" are labelled as "eccentric", or very frequently in the words of psychologists and psychiatrists "maladjusted".
Well here is the Truth in the words of the late, great Jiddu Krishnamurti: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society".
Well Dear Reader, if we are to be honest, Krishnamurti observed this decades ago, and today, by that definition, "society" is now on life-support, and barely has a pulse.
So something must change, and change begins with Mind and Consciousness.
However, before such Change, through Mind and Consciousness can begin, there first needs to be Awakening, Recognition, Resolution to Change, and a Will To Change - both Personally and Collectively. This includes everyone - there is no "leaving it to others" or resigned, reluctant acceptance of "the way things are".
I frequently hear the complaint "well there is nothing we can do about it, so we had better just make the most of it".
But of course, if everyone were to think and believe this, with similar acceptance, then not only will nothing change, "things" will get harder and harder, more and more oppressed and more and more miserable - yet everyone is getting what they expect.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. --- Albert Einstein
Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. --- Friedrich Nietzsche
Yet in reality we need "do" nothing physically.
True change begins and ends in Mind, Consciousness out of Divine Freewill.
If everyone, or at least a majority of Collective Consciousness, would agree that the current system of human control through money, debt and materialism cannot be
perpetuated, and can never lead to True Happiness, Joy and Freedom, then Humanity can, in a Moment Change its Mind in favour of a direction that does.
More crucially, humanity can Change its Mind in a direction that will finally facilitate Evolution to the next level of Consciousness, which is the very opportunity that this Great Transition, we are all Experiencing Now, really offers.
If Humanity does not accept this opportunity, the same natural, immutable cycle will be repeated once again, just as has been the case in many previous cycles.
So again, plain and simple, required now is a Revolution of Consciousness.
Before this Revolution of Consciousness can finally become a Reality and this Fulfilled however, Humanity must first see through all of the layers of duality, materialism and separation in order to see, feel and know the Total Oneness of All.
In such a new Revolution of Consciousness, there can be no collection of, attachment to material "things" - through which Humanity has been enslaved through the collective illusion of "money" - there can be no anger, hatred or "ill feeling" towards "others", there are no "others", there can be no desire, grasping or greed.
Now while this might seem somewhat "utopian" for many, if not most, and a difficult change out of choice, the accelerating events Humanity is currently experiencing is not to "make life difficult" or to cause "hardship" .These are all from the Human perception of how "things should be", due largely to manipulation by the very few.
The global "monetary system" is on the verge of collapse, because the fraud it has perpetuated is no longer sustainable. This is why we are seeing an increasingly "fascist" and controlling approach from governments through police and military, which is rapidly becoming the only method of "controlling the masses" available.
This same cycle, as mentioned before, has been enacted numerous times in the history of Humanity previously, always previously resulting in collapse and renewal.
So how should this Revolution of Consciousness begin if it is to succeed?
Well there are a multitude of factors, but one of the first such factors is the recognition of the illusory nature of the "material things" which, through consumerism, are being used to control Humanity in the name of "progress".
Human Beings need only ample nourishing food, shelter, rest, relaxation and above all Love. Once this is recognised the Revolution in Consciousness can begin.
And So It Is.
Until next Sunday, I wish you a most Joyful, Healthy, Abundant week.
Brought to You In Divine Love, Light and Service, Adrian."